Olympic Peninsula

Skokomish Park at Lake Cushman The Big Creek campground (our preferred next destination) a campground in the National Forest which offers quick access to many hikes into the higher peaks unfortunately was not yet open for the season. We chose to stay at Skokomish Park which is situated on the banks of Lake Cushman, a… Continue reading Olympic Peninsula

Olympic Peninsula,WA

Although you can drive the circle route around the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State in one long day, we planned to stretch our trip out over two weeks – camping for two nights in each place to make the most of each stopover. Our route will take us south along the Hood canal (which is… Continue reading Olympic Peninsula,WA


Last state before home. We checked into Cape Disappointment State Park on the Olympic Peninsula. Although it being a weekend they had a few sites available – no hook-ups, but that’s fine with us. We chose a site backing onto to ocean via a short trail right next to our site – Perfect. The campground… Continue reading Washington