
Leaving Peoria, IL we started out on I74 but soon decided to take a secondary highway. At Clinton IL we crossed the Mississippi River into Iowa, which was kind of cool. Longest River in the US, it flows from Lake Itasca in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. Although not very impressive looking where we… Continue reading Iowa


Our driving time / stopping time on this trip has been greatly altered by having a puppy on board and how far we go each day is determined by the following factors; Staying off the interstates mean slower but less stressful travel + stops to keep Cedar happy + stops for fuel & food +… Continue reading ILLinois


Another hot, hot, day forcast so again we are looking for a place to plug in for the night to run the Air if needed. It’s been fun to drive through little towns and see old stately buildings, refurbished ones, and some that are stuck in time. We stopped in Delphi Indiana to stretch our… Continue reading Indiana