Our new home on wheels

Campsight #2

Our travel trailer sold, thus freeing us up to seriously look for a Class B+ or C. We did a lot of research – Chris made a spreadsheet to compare models, and we went to see several. We thought we had it nailed down to a couple models, but then a different unit came available… Continue reading Our new home on wheels

The value of park passes !

A wise purchasing decision we made on this trip is buying the annual US Interagency pass: America the Beautiful for $80 at the first national park fee area we came to. What we didn’t know at the time was this pass would save us hundreds of dollars, not to mention we visited several interesting places… Continue reading The value of park passes !

RV Equipment Purchases

Not really knowing what to expect, perhaps a little naively, I initially moved into our brand new trailer full time in early August 2019 while Kim prepared the condo for our final move from Ottawa to BC. Well here we are, close to 20,000 km of towing and over six months of living in Imagine’inn… Continue reading RV Equipment Purchases