Spring 2021

With spring coming on we started to check out some hikes further afield and when the weather started to warm a little we were itching to get out camping again.

We hiked a couple trails on Mt. Tzouhalem, one leading to a cross erected by a church in the valley below the mountain. This mountain is a very popular place for mountain biking, but also has a few ‘hiking only’ designated trails. Interesting tidbit: A documentary movie aired in 2021 about Cowichan Chief Tzouhalem – looking forward to watching it soon.

The hike to Rosewall Creek is a popular one. There is parking at the Provincial Park day use area and the trail follows the creek and ends with 2 waterfalls. The hike is about 8km out and back with slight incline, but a lot of obstacles and muddy areas. The first waterfall can be easily accessed and photographed, but the second requires a short but steep climb to access.

The egg jelly was a sight to see (new one for us) – they can get up to 60cm. in diameters and eat other jellyfish. They also apparently have a mild sting.

We came across a large patch of water lilies while exploring a new trail around a pond. Just gorgeous.

The spring blooms are always a nice sight to see. There is no shortage of flowering plants here on the island, no matter what the season.

An evening walk down to the beach with moody skies and unusual light was fun. It was a bit breezy so not many other people about, but we did spy a couple seals chilling on a rock.

May 2021: We had finally decided to sell Portage and get a camper van, but before trading her in we would do one last trip to Ralph River which is a campground in Strathcona Park, where we have been before. It was very melancholy for us to camp without Miko.