Puppy surgery

A week after his vet visit, we noticed the umbilical hernia getting bigger (protruding more) and then not going back in. In consult with our vet, we mutually decided to have it taken care of now instead of waiting for it to “heal on its own” or “become a medical emergency”. As I was going to be leaving for a month and Chris alone with puppy, we all though it would be the best precautionary move. The original plan was to do the repair (bulging of fat approximately the size of a nickel) when he was to be spade at 18-24 months.

While the surgery is relatively straight forward, it is still invasive surgery and Cedar took a few hours to recover from the anesthesia with a lot of whimpering. He was somewhat groggy for the first 24 hours so we took it very easy initially, and Cedar wore a special protective sweater to ensure the incision stayed clean and protected. The sweater works so much better than the cone of shame which only he only need to wear while the sweater was being washed.