2023 Apr-May

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The cold rainy weather of 2023 continued into April. Colder than average temps were getting a little tiring.

A few hikes/walks/picnics

An early birthday present for Chris was a small greenhouse which will be used for herbs and lettuce. It is self-watering which will help when we are gone for our weeks of camping – there is a cover to keep bugs and cats out, and also a plastic cover which will extend the growing season when the colder months arrive.

On April 30 we went camping at Loveland Bay to celebrate Chris’ birthday. We went for three nights with friends and finally enjoyed sunshine and dry days. We brought the truck as well in order to have our canoe to paddle on the lake, and having the truck also allowed us to easily do a couple day trips.

We finally got to check off another hike we had been wanting to do since moving to the island. Ripple Rock trail is an easy to moderate hike. It is an 8.0 km out-and-back hiking route near Campbell River that takes you out to a scenic lookout with views of Menzies Bay and the Seymour Narrows. In addition to amazing scenery, this is also the historic site of one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history, when the Canadian government reshaped the waterway to make it safer for ships to pass. The museum in Campbell River has a great movie depicting the process with some real footage. Quite spectacular.

The following day we drove to Elk Falls. Our friends had not been there and although we had several times, it is one of those spectacular places where the scenery never gets old. We packed a picnic and made a day of it.

Chris and I got out to paddle the lake, but unfortunately could not tempt Cedar to join us. We will have to try another time, in another place, when he is less distracted by chasing sticks into the lake. As we paddled along the views opened up to reveal a beautiful mountainous backdrop of snowy peaks on the mainland far away.

Back for a short ten days before leaving again on a camping trip was a busy time. We unpacked the van, cleaned, repacked, and restocked. We fit in two dinners out – a ‘nine and dine’ with a group of friends, and dinner out with Maggie to celebrate early Mother’s Day since we will be away for the actual event. The day before leaving for our trip Chris had to go to Vancouver for his medical follow-up. All in all a busy period getting ready to head off for a lovely two weeks.