Cedar, 6 months

Cedar has doubled now in size and weight, and ..especially .. attitude getting into the teenage years ! He is doing very well with his manners and obedience, but we still have one or more episodes every day where he loses it, consistently in the early evening. He is still not able to entertain himself and is always challenging us, so we continue daily to reinforce all the basic training, mental stimulations and most of all tiring him out as much as possible which helps a lot.

Checking out the neighbours from his new perch

We bought a cot for travelling to keep him off the ground in wet or sandy areas. In the house it gives him just enough extra height to see out the window, so he loves to sit there and stare out (and bark – we are working on that now too).

So far at the beach he has only gone in the water to his belly. I am trying to slowly coax him further each time. This time he followed me just up to the point where he would have to paddle. We’re getting there.

We had friends come to stay for a couple weeks and while they were here, we did some hikes, and went camping on Quadra Island at WeWaiKai campground.