Cedar, 11 weeks old

This week Cedar is reaching things he couldn’t last week – he managed to finally get onto the footstool and was quite proud of himself. H also discovered he can now reach some plants, drapes, bathroom towels, and several other items which meant more puppy proofing. We also had to remove several area mats that he has been chewing on. We are now working on the constant chewing and biting by trying to help him ‘settle’ when he gets too wound up, and by reinforcing ‘leave it’.

At the beginning of the week we had to go back to Vancouver, so Cedar got to expereince the ferry once again. We are so happy that he travels well and doesn’t get motion sick, since we will be doing a lot of travelling with him.

The potty training is going really well and he has been kinda letting us know he has to go, by standing at the top of the stairs and looking at us which is awesome. We have had very few accidents this week and those few were probably due to us not picking up on his cues. At the end of this week we moved his crate out of our bedroom, but close by, and we will move it a little at a time closer to the bigger crate. Hopefully next week we can transition him into that one and then just use the smaller crate in the truck.

His first puppy class went really well. He was not hesitant at all around the other dogs, and did great with the training. We started with a little crate training – then some leadership reinforcing, and lastly the fun stuff which uses some beginner agility equipment, tunnels, and surfaces. The owner Dan, who was helping out that day, said we have a very confident puppy.

Some other milestones this week: First time barking, going into his crate on his own and lying down to nap, and something we did not expect so early -he has started humping occasionaly (going to have to ask the vet about this one).

On Sunday Cedar had a play date at the beach with Lacey, an Aussie Shepherd that we have boarded many times. She is a great, well mannered dog and they had a blast – Lacey even managed to coax Cedar into the ocean.