Cedar, 3 months

Cedar had his second vet appointment this week to get his vaccines and a health check (his first being when he 9 weeks old, just before we took him home). All went well, but we need to keep and eye on the umbilical hernia.

We have begun taking him on longer walks and hikes and allow him to socialize with other dogs, but we are still careful which dogs we will have him meet. Up to now we have been very careful on walks to move him out of the way or pick him up when dogs approach – as a puppy, any negative interaction could result in a fearful and anxious dog – most dog owners we meet are respectful and understanding, but there were a few (there always are) that get offended when we declined to have the dogs meet, or just let their dog run at Cedar without restraint (these owners got a very direct scowl or talking to).

We bought a collapsible crate to travel with because the camper van has limited space. This one we can use while driving and at night, but put away during the day.