Dog blog: Day 1

Cedar (on the left) with his sister and mom

We met Cedar for the first time Jan 22 and fell in love with his laid back demeanor. Curious but not shy or afraid, and easy to be picked up and just settle in our arms – then tearing around the yard with his sister. Next morning after his bath and goodbye to his mom he was on his way to his new home. Tollchester Tollers were great and sent him on his way with a blanket with his mom’s scent, food, toys, collar, and leash for the trip home. We also had a crate which we lined with a pee pad and put mom’s blanket and a “snuggle puppy” to help with the transition.

Trip home: A 2 hour drive to the ferry where I sat beside Cedar in the back seat (he was in his crate). He alternated between crying, chewing a bully stick, and sleeping. Then a 2 hour ferry ride where he slept most of the time, peed in the crate once, and had a little walk on deck. 45 minute drive home – he slept mostly, such a stressful day so far. At home he was totally confused and scared, but wanting to explore.

The ride home

Wait, what is this obstacle I cannot get up? A step? OH and finally a bite to eat. Oh but I am sooo tired.

We had set up a litter box with pine shavings as per the breeder, but he wanted nothing to do with that. So, potty training began quickly. We followed and watched him every second and tried to catch him, but he managed a few accidents.

The first night he went to sleep in his crate easily but as he had not pooped at all that day ………. very happy to have put that pee pad in the crate. After a cleaning up he went right back to sleep.

Cedar say; “getting out of bed every 3 hours to pee outside is a new one but as long as you carry me I will go along with it.”