2021 rewind

As spring arrived on the island, so too did the many gorgeous wildflowers. While the pandemic continued to limit our business, travel, and activities, we had lots of free time to go further afield and discover new trails to hike.

After our trip with Portage to Salt Spring Island in August last year, we came to the conclusion that a smaller camper van would better suit our lifestyle and so made the decision to sell her. We got lucky on a phone call to the RV dealership we had dealt with previously as they had just received a cancellation on a unit that would suit us and agreed to a great trade deal. Our new unit, in production, would be a few months wait.

In March we took off for a few days of camping and went to Bates Beach where we had a site right on the ocean.  From there we could walk the beach to Seal Bay and hike the trails.  Oh the joy of living on an island with moderate temps.!

Sadly that camping trip was her last adventure and shortly after we had to say goodbye to our beautiful Miko of 20 years. We sure are going to miss you.

The pandemic had quashed our five year retirement business plan, and ironically business interest was picking up just as we had a two month trip back east coming up. We really needed to see our girls, so decided not to take on any new clients.

Our new camper van thankfully arrived in time and on July 26 we started our trip back east and arrived in Toronto eight days later.

With Caitlin on board we then travelled to Ottawa (Mark came a day later and they stayed a few days before heading back home to Toronto). At dinner with all of us present, Rachel and Francis announced they were to be parents in Feb 2022 – what great new!! We stayed for a month with Rachel and Francis, visited with friends and family and left for home on Sep 12. We took our time on this leg and arrived home on Sep 28.

A few days later on Oct 1 a friend from Ottawa came to visit. We went camping with her in Tofino, did some hikes and enjoyed catching up.

On Oct 18 Chris tackled a mountain climb that he’d been itching to do for quite a while, Mt. Benson. A popular and strenuous hike.

Nov 1st Chris had a minor surgery in Vancouver which went well. We were able to stay at Nik & Mike’s condo in Surrey for a couple nights.

Christmas this year was a family affair in Chilliwack and it was great to see everyone again. Nik and Mike hadn’t seen the girls in a few years, and had never met their partners, so it was nice to be all together.