Aug 2021 – Ontario visit

After a whirlwind drive from BC to ON we had a brief visit with family in Bradford and then pushed on to Etobicoke to visit with our daughter Caitlin – and we finally met her partner Mark in person and their cat Earl Gray. Earl loudly demands attention when we zoom chat, but would not come near us in person -Ahh gotta love cats……. At night we slept in Portage, parked in a visitor’s spot at their townhome complex. It was so nice to get caught up, get acquainted with new family members, and see the neighbourhood where they live. From Etobicoke we went to Ottawa with Caitlin to visit our other daughter Rachel. Mark followed a couple days later.

Arriving in Ottawa we had our first family dinner together in 2 years and received the exciting news that we are going to be grandparents. We are so thrilled. Plans are now underway to return to Ottawa in Feb 2022 to welcome our grandchild and lend a hand.

We waved a melancholy goodbye to Caitlin and Mark a couple days later. We will see them again in December when they visit us in BC for Christmas.

We spent over a month in Ottawa. Having lived and worked in Ottawa many years we had family and friends to visit and were able to see many of them on this trip much to our delight. We also happily kept busy helping Rachel get her home ready for a new arrival. Again, we slept mostly in Portage, except during some very hot and humid days when the air conditioned house was much more comfortable.

On our anniversary Sep 2 we took off for the night to camp at Wesley Clover campground just west of Ottawa. We reminisced as this is the campground we stayed at for a month before leaving Ottawa for BC in 2018.