Discovering the Island

While we have been spending a lot of time searching for a place to rent, this is done almost exclusively online except for the viewings, so each day we have picked a place to explore while getting chores done at the same time. Everything around Victoria is no more than a 30 minute drive, so we have been able to go to quite a few places to hike, bike, walk and shop.

We have been having a lot of fun checking out and trying to identify the island flowers, trees, and birds.

A few of our hikes near Victoria: Hiking in John Dean park to a viewpoint we had great views of Saanich Inlet looking from Brentwood Bay across to Mill Bay. There is a ferry that crosses the inlet and cuts 45 minutes off the drive up the peninsula and through Victoria and Langford for those heading to Nanaimo.

Niagara Falls waterfall in Goldstream Park is a quick walk through a tunnel under the highway and along the streambed. Near the waterfall you can scramble over rocks and get close enough to get a shower from the spray.

Sooke Potholes Provincial Park is a 40 minute drive from Victoria. In summer you would need to go very early in order to get a parking spot. The glaicers in the last ice age carved deep pools in the rocks along the river which makes for great swimming holes and pebbly beaches. There are great spots to picnic and swim and there is also a campground.

In the spring both Goldstream and Sooke parks are great places to see the salmon run.

Thetis Lake Regional Park is in the city of Langford has a great beach area. There is a 5km. walking trail around the lake and many trails leading off that as well. It is dog friendly and until Jun the dogs are actually allowed to swim from the beach area – very civilized. And very popular we found out. The parking is also free until May 1st. The lake would be a nice spot to canoe, kayak, or paddleboard.