Slot Canyon Tour

After a bit of research, Chris discovered this 2 year new tour company offering tours of slot canyons on their family owned property. Much more appealing than the ‘popular’ overly crowded and expensive tour operators, the Ligai Si Anii Tours offer small groups with personal guides.

We booked a 3 hour tour at 8 a.m. in order to get the morning light in the canyons. We arrived at the office (a shipping crate turned office) and were greeted by the owner Bill, and were pleasantly surprised that we were to have a personal tour. Bill explained that they try to keep the tours personal or very small groups. Our guides Amelia and Kayla (in training) arrived and we followed them in our truck (they would shuttle those in cars) down a dirt road to the trailhead.

The trail starts out with a short walk down into the canyon. Along the way Amelia kept up a stream of conversation about the area, the plants, and showed us some interesting rock formations. Eager to answer any questions, she also told us some of her family history. Her family still farms sheep on the land where she played throughout the canyons as a child.

Very quickly we arrived at the first slot canyon and then toured two more before heading up a series of ladders to climb back up to the top of the canyon. All along the way Amelia pointed out places to take great photos and exactly where to stand which was helpful. Such interesting shapes and colours, and fun squeezing through tight spaces to find hidden treasures.