(7.5 hours) from Grand Canyon to Moab, Utah. The regions between these 2 points are very sparsely populated.
Dead Horse Point State Park and Canyonlands National Park
High on a plateau above the Colorado River and adjacent to the immense Canyonlands National Park. The water to the park was shut off during our stay due to the cold weather and overall shortage of water in the region, but the visitor centre was allowing small jugs to be filled. Each site is nicely set up with a sheltered picnic table, grill, firepit, and a big tent pad. There are many yurts also available that look very spacious and modern with wrap around decks.

Directly from the campground are several hikes. We started our day with a hike to the Big Horn Overlook (2.5 miles in and back), then continued along the rim trails with a few side trails leading to other overlooks. Easy walking trails mostly, with fantastic views. About 10 miles total.

Meandering Colorado River
Snowed in again (meh), so a good day to drive into Moab to restock and refuel. At the Maverick gas station we were able to fill up our water containers for free. Not great weather means a good day for a scenic drive. The “Island in the Sky” section of Canyonlands is nearby. A 34 mile round trip goes along the top of a mesa with several overlooks and trails to scenic points.

Mesa Arch in Canyonlands Colorado Mountains in the distance
Moving day was cold and snowy still, so instead of chancing a drive on icy roads and moving to a campsite with no hookups (we at least have electric here) we reserved another site at Dead Horse point and cancelled at The Arches. We will instead, just drive into Arches to see the sites.