The rock! Miko herding a steer Sunset glow
Along I-10 near the little town of Bowie (a.k.a. Truck Stop with a few homes scattered around) we exited the interstate and drove 10 miles into the desert to find this little gem. It is BLM land. The drive in to the picnic area is along a fairly decent dirt road and there are a few camping sites right by the picnic area. Furthur down the road which continues for quite a way, there are more spots (our trailer would fit some but not all) and the road is not bad if you go slow but has potential to get rutted in wet weather. The sites furthur along would be much more private, but they were occupied, so we stayed near the picnic area. Lots of cattle wandering around and hares everywhere which amused Miko. Our 2nd night we saw the guys beside us out hunting with rifles not too far from the sites. That kinda made us nervous but we didn’t hear any shots. Next morning several young guys arrived and set up beside us – all wearing fatigues and getting ready to go hunting. We had planned to stay one more night, but that was it for us. All we could picture was 5 guys partying it up all night and shooting cans in the desert. We skipped our planned hike and left early. Lucky for us, our next RV park is able to take us a day early.
The picture of the rock is at an odd angle, it is actually quite a bit bigger than it looks in the picture.