KM 3000 Saskatchewan

From Winnipeg we travel to Buffalo Pound Provincial park which was recommended to us by family and friends in Winnipeg who are fellow RVers and know of the park.

The drive is a long 6.5 hours along the trans-Canada #1 Hwy which is now 4 lanes all the way to BC.  We exit Manitoba  within a short time realizing how narrow the province is.   There is a great ring road around Regina and we head onward into Moose Jaw to stock up, then backtrack to the route into the park.    The terrain’s now fairly flat and is very much what one thinks of when Prairies is mentioned – wide open fields and farmlands.   Moose Jaw is a small city but has everything you would need just off the highway and along a main road.

We are given a private site at the end of the Trails End campground area which is the furthest one and drive a windy and hilly, but well maintained road to our site #46 which is nicely wooded with water spigot and flush toilet nearby. 

Buffalo Pound is a 30km drive from Moose Jaw on a 2 lane country road. There are no towns or shops along the way, so stocking up in Moose Jaw if needed is a good idea.   The gatehouse is at the top of Buffalo Pound Lake (or coulee).  We check in and then grab some free firewood from the well stocked wood pile before heading downhill to the lake side campgrounds where there are great views along the way.   The lake is a typical glacier lake – long and narrow. According to the brochure the lake gets its name from the method used by First Nations people using the natural topography to corral the Bison.    There is a small herd of Bison in the park, protected by acres of fenced land where they are free to roam.  Bison were almost extinct and are now a protected species.

In summer, the park has a wealth of activities available – hiking, mountain biking trails, beach and pool where swimming lessons are offered, boat launch, trout pond, and mini-golf.  As well there is a store, concession stand, bait shop, and fish fillet station.   We set up and then drive to see the Bison and arrive just in time to see them meander from their paddock back out into the hills.    Great majestic creatures.

Long day so we have dinner and head off to bed early.


  1. Soo happy for you two but miss you lots already 🙂 Hopefully we will see you soon, if we decide to go to Vancouver next summer we will let you know.
    Jo and Jamie

    1. Miss you guys as well. Did Michelle show everyone the photo of me wearing the hat in Lake Louise? It was a cold but sunny day. IF you make it here next summer let me know for sure.
      Say hi to everyone and give Woody a hug for me.

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