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Arrived at Toronto airport last night after our flight from the Azores.  They have a new automated customs system.   We, and many other passengers who had connecting flights, got very frustrated trying to get these to work.  Ours never did work properly, but the customs agent let us through fairly quick.

We were changing airlines to go to Ottawa so we had to collect our bags.   Instead of just getting our bags and heading to the next departure gate, they made everyone go back through security- another hour in line.  Good thing we have 2 hours.

As I step through the scan, I get pulled aside – the lady said a random check (whatever) , so she swabs and pats me down.  We notice half the bins are being pulled aside.   My bag and our electronics are good to go, but Chris’ backpack got pulled aside – the first lady had told him to keep his camera in the bag and then they pull it aside and ask him what’s in his bag -WTF!   Our bin with the duty free also gets pulled aside.  I explained what’s in it he says he has to open the bag and scan it.  2 tins of sardines and some Poncha (he didn’t know what it is).  I was thinking the whole point of Duty Free sealed bags is that they are sealed for a reason.   We are finally cleared and then have only 30 minutes to get to our next gate in another terminal – we had to run and barely made it before last boarding.  On the way we passed several people who were on our last flight and because of the “inefficient” Toronto airport system, they had missed their connecting flights.  WOW……..