25 Fountains

A levada
25 Fountains

One of the more popular hikes here in Madeira is the 25 Fontes which is in the mountains high above Calheta and in an area called Paul da Serra Plateau which is a barren strectch of land usually covered in cloud.

The drive up was on a 2 lane well maintained road for the most part, directly up the mountain from our home.  As we climbed it became foggier and foggier in cloud and mist.  We arrived at the parking lot and opened the car door to discover a feirce wind.  The parking lot is 2 km. above the start of the hike – there is a shuttle that you can take down (5 euro return or 3 euro one way).  We had arrived early because the trail gets very busy and the shuttle had not started running yet so we walked down the hill to the starting point.  At the bottom is a very nice area with picnic tables, washrooms, a cafe (which also sells beer and wine) and visitor center.

The hike of 25 fountains (which means waterfalls) also connects to several other hikes.   To get to the main and largest waterfall we could take a circular route or go there and back which was shorter.  We decide to do the shorter route.  The trail is a mix of stairs, dirt path and for a while goes alongside a levada which is full and flowing after all the rain.   We pass by several smaller waterfalls and after about an hour come to the main event which is a spectacular waterfall flowing down to a pool far below.

Back at the trailhead we had a picnic surrounded by a dozen Chaffinch who were swooping down to pick up any scraps that we dropped.  The were very bold trying to grab food from our hands and obviously tourist feed them regularly.

We took the shuttle back to the parkng lot rather than make the 2 km trek back uphill and it was well worth the 3 euro.

Back home we spent a leisurely afternoon by the pool.